posted on 2017-04-26, 11:03authored byJean Barroca, Mikko KoriaMikko Koria, Ilari Lindy, Victor Mulas
This FrontEnd Toolkit is about applying
Design Thinking to transform new ideas into innovative
products, services andbusinesses with an impact. The front
end development of new user and customer-oriented solutions
is a key opportunity aswell as a significant challenge for
organizations and success is built on collaborative
approaches. The overall objective is to help policy- makers,
project owners, and managers as well as their stakeholders
to design and implement projects with real impact. The
Toolkit helps to establish an idea’s key value to
stakeholders, and supports planning for the creation of high
impact projects. It assists in defining complexity, cost,
delivery, functionality,and future upgrade potential of a
concept and creates new opportunities for partnerships. The
Front End innovation is all about purposefully combining
different skills, disciplines, and resources with knowledge
related to the local innovation ecosystem to gain insights
that inspire and help shape a new, valuable offering. The
process of creating this constellation of elements involves
understanding emerging opportunities,client and user
mindsets, needs and expectations. It also involves making
sense of the competitive environment, the social and
individual constraints and enablers that drive the
acceptance and up take of new products, services and
business models.
Loughborough University London
? - ? (92)
BARROCA, J. ... et al., 2017. FrontEnd Toolkit: a toolkit to transform IDEAs into intelligent action. Washington D.C.: World Bank
World Bank
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