posted on 2020-03-10, 09:59authored byJon Leary, Jacob Fodio Todd, Simon Batchelor, Karen Chepkurui, Mourine Chepkemoi, Ann Numi, Rebecca Hanlin, Nigel Scott, Ed BrownEd Brown
This edition of the eCookBook was produced in Nairobi and focusses
on one of the most energy intensive popular food groups: beans and
cereals. The ceramic jiko full of red hot charcoal simmering away
beside the kitchen door, with a pot of beans ontop is a familiar sight
across Nairobi. Even in 2019, many households with a kerosene,
gas or electric stove still cook ‘heavy foods’ like beans on charcoal
because most people believe it’s cheaper – as you will see in this
eCookBook, it is not!
Low cost energy-efficient products for the bottom of the pyramid’ project (UK Aid, EPSRC, DECC)
Modern Energy Cooking Services’ programme (UK Aid)
Social Sciences
Geography and Environment
Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS)
VoR (Version of Record)
Publisher statement
This is an Open Access Article. It is published by Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS) under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported Licence (CC BY). Full details of this licence are available at: