In times of what is assumed to be a growing international ‘knowledge economy,’ international circulation of scientists and scholars is of topical interest to modern nation states and individual academic institutions. This has been true for European countries and institutions in particular which increasingly have to compete for highly qualified researchers, academic reputation, research funds, and infrastructure on an international level. All of these play a key role in the long-term development of international relations, economic competitiveness, and social development (see, e.g., Altbach 1989, OECD 1996, Jöns 2003a)....
Social Sciences
Geography and Environment
Published in
What Factors Impact the Internationalization of Scholarship in the Humanities and Social Sciences?
7 - 24
JONS, H., 2005. Academic mobility and collaboration across the Atlantic: experiences in the humanities and the social sciences. IN: What Factors Impact the Internationalization of Scholarship in the Humanities and Social Sciences? Arbeits- und Diskussionspapier 3/2005. Bonn: Humboldt Foundation, pp. 7 - 24.
Humboldt Foundation
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This is a book chapter and it is available here with the kind permission of The Humboldt Foundation.