Loughborough University

Creativity for all: promoting creative learning in schools outreach

posted on 2011-09-30, 10:54 authored by Sarah Turner
Creativity has seen a surge of interest in education in recent years and this, combined with an ‘increased emphasis on creativity in society, has been greeted by educators and ‘creative partners’ as a positive move’ (Craft, 2006, p. 337). It is then something academics going into schools need to be aware of and, if possible, utilise. In order for young people to exist and flourish in the twenty first century, creativity is a widespread attribute needed by all (Craft, 2002). In the revised National Curriculum (for England) for Key Stage Three (KS3) (eleven to fourteen years of age) there are bold statements referring to creativity for all as an essential skill for the future and one that pervades all of the school curriculum and life of the school. Furthermore, employers now require their workforce to be able to adjust to new circumstances, be innovative, possess strong communication skills and be able to work as part of a team (National Advisory Committee on Creative and Cultural Education, 1999). This chapter focuses on relevant literature about creativity in education, followed by the project outline and suggestions as to how this will help academics going in to schools. The project involved secondary school teachers across KS3 subjects completing questionnaires and being observed in their use of creativity within the classroom. Pupil interviews were also conducted on their understanding and effects of learning through creative engagements. Although creativity in science was a key aim, links to arts and humanities subjects are addressed in the conclusions and recommendations. The findings also suggest different ways for staff development in this area along with suggestions of caution when working alongside practicing secondary school teachers. Also, the chapter suggests that creativity be an additional topic to be addressed by outreach schemes.



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TURNER, S., 2011. Creativity for all: promoting creative learning in schools outreach. IN: Baker, G. and Fisher, A. (eds.). Arts and Humanities Academics in Schools: Mapping the Pedagogical Interface. London: Continuum, pp. 98-111.


© The Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd


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This item is Closed Access. This book chapter was published in the book, Arts and Humanities Academics in Schools Mapping the Pedagogical Interface [© 2009 The Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd]. The publisher's website is at: http://www.continuumbooks.com/




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