This paper explores the role of two constitutive spaces in the production and consumption of hip-hop music in Germany during the formative ›Old School‹ years from the mid-1980s to the early 1990s. Located in urban, suburban and rural contexts, public community centres and private bedrooms became important sites for the adoption and adaption of urban sounds rooted in US inner-city neighbourhoods. Whereas the former served as local homebases and trans-local nodes of wider hip-hop networks that brought young hip-hop artists together, the latter provided spaces of retreat and experimentation that gave room to the creation of alternative urban sounds.
Social Sciences
Geography and Environment
MAGER, C. and HOYLER, M., 2007. HipHop als Hausmusik: Globale Sounds und (sub)urbane Kontexte. IN: Helms, D. and Phleps, T. (eds.). Sound and the City: Populäre Musik im urbanen Kontext. (Beiträge zur Popularmusikforschung, 35). Bielefeld: Transcript-Verlag, pp.45-64.