Loughborough University

Patient-focused practice and communication: Use of communication in the clinical setting

posted on 2018-04-23, 10:41 authored by Ruth Parry
The book is divided into five parts containing multiple sections and chapters. The first part looks at advances in the sciences underpinning musculoskeletal physiotherapy practice. Here there is commentary on topics such as movement, the interaction between pain and motor control as well as neuromuscular adaptations to exercise. Applied anatomical structure is covered in addition to the challenges of lifestyle and ageing. A new section highlights the important area of measurement and presents the scope of current and emerging measurements for investigating central and peripheral aspects relating to pain, function and morphological change. Another section discusses some contemporary research approaches such as quantitative and qualitative methods as well as translational research. Part III contains sections on the principles of and broader aspects of management which are applicable to musculoskeletal disorders of both the spine and periphery. Topics include models for management prescription, communication and pain management and contemporary principles of management for the articular, nervous and sensorimotor systems. In recognition of the patient centred and inclusive nature of contemporary musculoskeletal practice, there is also discussion about how physiotherapists may use cognitive behavioural therapies when treating people with chronic musculoskeletal disorders. The final part of the book focuses on selected contemporary issues in clinical practice for a particular region, condition or the most topical approaches to the diagnosis and management of a region. A critical review of the evidence (or developing evidence) for approaches is given and areas for future work are highlighted.



  • Social Sciences


  • Communication, Media, Social and Policy Studies

Published in

Grieve's Modern Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy


27.1 - 27.9 (9)


PARRY, R., 2015. Patient-focused practice and communication: Use of communication in the clinical setting. IN: Jull, G. ... et al (eds). Grieve's Modern Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy, 4th ed. London: Elsevier, pp.250-254.


© Elsevier


  • VoR (Version of Record)

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This book chapter is closed access.




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