Divided into three parts, the focus of the book moves from the theoretical to the practical: how different digital materialities are imagined and emerge, through software emulation, urban sensors and smart homes; how new digital designs are ...
Published in
Digital Materialities Design and Anthropology
79 - 97
PINK, S. ...et al., 2016. Refiguring digital interventions for energy demand reduction: Designing for life in the digital-material home. IN: Pink, S., Ardevol, E. and Lanzeni, D. (eds.) Digital Materialities Design and Anthropology, London: Bloomsbury, pp. 79-97.
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Publication date
This is the pre copy edited version of the chapter from the book, "Digital Materialities Design and Anthropology", published by Bloomsbury Publishing. The definitive published version is available from http://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/digital-materialities-9781472592590/. This version must not be cited.