There is an increasingly diverse population of students entering mathematics courses
in higher education. While this enriches the environment it can bring challenges that
higher education institutions need to address. This chapter will introduce the idea
of neurodiversity and provide further details about four of these: dyslexia, dyspraxia,
Asperger’s syndrome and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The main focus of
the chapter will be to consider the impact for neurodiverse students of four factors in
undergraduate mathematics: notes, lectures, assessment and departmental provision.
The chapter will explore the barriers that higher education institutions often pose for the
neurodiverse student and suggest ways in which mathematics can be made more accessible
and departments achieve greater inclusivity. The discussions are illuminated through
vignettes of individual neurodiverse students and their journey through mathematics.
Mathematics Education Centre
Published in
Transitions in Undergraduate Mathematics Education
209 - 226 (18)
TROTT, C., 2015. The neurodiverse mathematics student. IN: Grove, M. ... et al, (eds). Transitions in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. Birmingham: University of Birmingham, pp. 209 - 226.
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This book chapter is available here with the kind permission of the publisher.