This chapter will begin by drawing on recent research evidence which has highlighted the low levels of BME representation as coaches in professional football and identified a range of key constraining factors which have the limited the progression of BME groups across the transition from playing to coaching in the professional game. The chapter will then offer some case study analysis of the COACH bursary programme: a positive action initiative designed to offer support to 150 BME coaches to achieve high level coaching qualifications and undertake placement opportunities at professional clubs. In doing so, the analysis will draw on evaluation of the first year of the COACH bursary programme to identify and examine some of the beneficial impacts incurred by participants and participating clubs. The chapter will then conclude by offering some wider analysis as to the extent and ways in which the COACH bursary programme has challenged and disrupted some ongoing racialized inequalities in the sport, as well as drawing attention to some key organizational shortcomings of the programme to this end. Finally, this concluding section will discuss the potential implications of these findings for the promotion and delivery of improved equality and diversity practices within professional football and across other sporting contexts.
Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences
Published in
Advances in Coach Education and Development
137 - 148 (11)
BRADBURY, S., 2016. The progression of black and minority ethnic footballers into coaching in professional football: a case study analysis of the COACH bursary programme. In: Allison, W., Abraham, A. and Cale. A., (eds.) Advances in Coach Education and Development: From research to practice. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 137 - 148.
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Closed access until 18 months after publication. This is a chapter from the book, Advances in Coach Education and Development.