The focus of this research is to explore the urban landscape through the promenade notion and
contemporary walkability strategies to connect open spaces into a walkspace system. The research on
urban public spaces seen as a walkspace system points out specific models of alternative urban heritage.
These models are characterized by presence of diverse cultural heritage and pedestrian connections which
should be recognised in current design and city planning procedures. The aim is to create awareness of
heritage values in practices of everyday life using public space as a mediator and spatial networking as a
planning criterion. The identified walkspace models came out of case study comparisons in five cities:
London, Barcelona, Budapest, New York and Madrid. The case studies represent diverse urban
landscapes as pedestrian streets, boulevards and linear urbanscapes. These examples confirm that streets
are not just traffic corridors and show ways in which streetscapes form walkspace systems in different
scales. Pedestrianisations, landscaped streets, historic park-streets and urbanscape parks are strategies
which interconnect cultural heritage and create new heritage of contemporary promenades through public
space design. Walkspace systems are the basis for heritage urbanism approach as means of achieving
vitality and quality of public space in heritage revitalization.
The research is a part of the scientific project “Heritage Urbanism – Urban and Spatial Planning Models for Revival
and Enhancement of Cultural Heritage”. It is partially financed by the Croatian Science Foundation [HRZZ-2032] and carried out at the
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Architecture.
Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering
Published in
Cultural Urban Heritage: Development, Learning and Landscape Strategies
The Urban Book Series
263 - 288
ZANINOVIC, T., PALAIOLOGOU, G. and BOJANIC OBAD SCITAROCI, B., 2019. Walkspace as cultural heritage within urban landscape. IN: Scitaroci, M.O., Scitaroci, B.B.O. and Mrda, A. (eds.) Cultural Urban Heritage: Development, Learning and Landscape Strategies. Chaim: Springer, pp. 263 - 288.
AM (Accepted Manuscript)
Publisher statement
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