The existing Curriculum - valid since 1986 - is structured in fields of action: working and production, transportation and traffic, building and built environment, supply and disposal, information and communication.. 1992 a revision of all curricula began. Guidelines for this revision were:
New curricula should lead to a discussion on core problems (e.g. basic values of living together in peace in different cultures; preservation of the elements of life; future change of economic, technological and social conditions; equal status of women and men; the right of all human being to form their political, cultural and economic living conditions).
1. New curricula should secure a common basic education.
2. New curricula should enable the interweaving of learning experiences.
3. New curricula should enable co-operation across the bounds of school subjects.
4.New curricula should relieve lessons.
Research Unit
IDATER Archive
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HOPKEN, G., 1994. A new curriculum for technology education in Schleswig-Holstein. IDATER 1994 Conference, Loughborough: Loughborough University