A study of perturbations in linear and circular polarized antennas in close proximity to the human body and dielectric liquid filled rectangular and a cylindrical phantom at 1.8 GHz
In the design and synthesis of wearable antennas
isolation distance from the body is a critical parameter. This
paper deals with the comparison of perturbations caused to the
matching of simple linear and circular polarized patch antennas
due to the close proximity of a human torso and rectangular box
and cylindrical phantoms filled with muscle simulating liquid at
1.8GHz. The isolated variable is return loss, S11(dB). Results
show that at these frequencies a cylindrical phantom resembles
the body more closely than a rectangular phantom.
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
KHATTAK, M.I. ... et al, 2010. A study of perturbations in linear and circular polarized antennas in close proximity to the human body and dielectric liquid filled rectangular and a cylindrical phantom at 1.8 GHz. IN: IEEE Proceedings, Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference (LAPC 2010), Loughborough, UK, 8th-9th November, pp. 409-412.
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