BIM innovation research has mainly focused on diffusion models of acceptance at the individual and organisational levels. However, BIM has the potential to bring together multiple organisations working collaboratively in a coordinated fashion. Realising this potential requires a study of BIM innovation at the inter-organisational level, which is considered to be systemic BIM innovation. Systemic BIM innovation and its effect in the
construction supply chain have not been sufficiently investigated. The aim of this paper is to present a critical review of literature on the diffusion of BIM innovation in the construction industry. A conceptual model of systemic BIM innovation is developed and presented. The proposed model incorporates factors such as individual BIM acceptance, organisation's drivers of BIM usage, organisation's linkages, supply chain management challenges, and the role of context. It is found that variables facilitating systemic BIM innovation are interrelated at different analytical levels, and are shaped by the context. Directions for future research and empirical validation are presented.
Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering
Published in
33rd Annual ARCOM Conference
15 - 24
MURGUIA SANCHEZ, D.E., DEMIAN, P. and SOETANTO, R., 2017. A systemic BIM innovation model in the construction supply chain. IN: Chan, P.W. and Neilson, C.J. (eds). Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ARCOM Conference, Cambridge, UK, 4th-6th September 2017, pp. 15-24.
Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM)
VoR (Version of Record)
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This conference paper was presented at the 33rd Annual ARCOM Conference held on the 4th-6th September 2017, in Cambridge. This paper is also available at