In 2000 – 2001, 18% of adults in England aged 16 and over reported having
some form of disability, 5% of whom reported having a serious disability.
The most common type of disability reported amongst adults was loco motor
disability. Current legislation on housing design, to incorporate the needs of
those individuals with physical disabilities, is contained within Part M of the
Building Regulations. These requirements have had a significant impact
upon dwelling design. This case study documents the experiences of a
disabled man occupying a brand new home. Forming part of a wider
research project, this study identifies how current Building Regulations only
go some way in accommodating the needs of those with a disability and that
in some ‘parts’ these regulations display a lack of systems thinking.
Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences
MCDERMOTT, H.J., HASLAM, R.A. and GIBB, A.G., 2006. Accessible housing? One man's battle to get a foot through the door. IN: Bust, P.D. (ed.). Contemporary Ergonomics 2006: Proceedings of the International Conference on Contemporary Ergonomics 2006. London: Taylor & Francis.
This conference paper was presented at the International Conference on Contemporary Ergonomics, Cambridge, UK, 4th-6th April 2006. The conference proceedings are available at: