Loughborough University

Ad-Hoc networking with OWL-S and CSP

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conference contribution
posted on 2009-02-03, 14:47 authored by Jose Ignacio Rendo Fernandez, Iain PhillipsIain Phillips
In order to achieve a ubiquitous ad-hoc environment suitable for any kind and number of compute devices, information concerning device usability must be stored and manipulated. Take, for example the home where a large number of devices - heating, cooking, lighting, entertainment, security all cooperate to provide a suitable environment for a home resident. This paper proposes a representation of home devices as OWL-S (Web service ontology) services, capable of being implemented by means of the formal algebra CSP (communication sequential process). Because of the ontological nature of OWL-S and the possibility of translating CSP equations to lightweight implementations, this proposal allows a rich semantic description of services capable of being hosted by a wide range of devices, including such ones with low computational resources. The paper describes the procedure of developing a service in OWL-S, its translation to CSP and its implementation in occam, an efficient CSP-based language



  • Science


  • Computer Science


RENDO FERNANDEZ, J.I. and PHILLIPS, I.W., 2006. Ad-Hoc networking with OWL-S and CSP. IN: Proceedings, IEEE 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Systems, London, September 2006, pp. 115-120




  • VoR (Version of Record)

Publication date



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