The aim of this research is to fabricate antennas and dielectrics
out of nanomaterials. This method has the potential of
integrating the whole antenna structure into one process. Since
nanomaterials are extremely small, larger structures (~mm)
can be created by suitably arranging many such particles
(metallic and/or non-metallic), and thus resonance at
microwave frequencies can be achieved. Fabrication and
physical advantages include potentially faster fabrication
processes and reduced production costs [1]. Using
nanomaterial fabrication methods will enable novel and
bespoke substrate properties, by controlling the size and
volume ratio of the particles. Electromagnetic advantages
(bandwidth, size and efficiency) can be achieved by varying
the local permittivity with the local electric field strength, or
by creating substrates with equal permittivity and
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
NJOKU, C.C., WHITTOW, W.G. and VARDAXOGLOU, Y.C., 2010. An analytical approach to modifying the properties of dielectric substrates composed of nanomaterials. IN: Loughborough Research Student Conference, Loughborough, UK.
Loughborough University
AM (Accepted Manuscript)
Publication date
Presented at the 2010 Loughborough Research Student Conference.