Steel reinforced concrete blocks were subjected to chloride extraction after they were dosed with either NaCl or CaCl2. All the blocks were then exposed to the elements at the BRE exposure site for a total period of about 6 years. The steel reinforcement was regularly monitored electrochemically to determine its level of corrosion. Core samples were also analysed before and after treatment to determine the chloride concentration profiles. A selection of blocks were cut into smaller steel-containing prisms after 4 ½ years of exposure and were exposed to controlled laboratory conditions for 6 months while determining the level of corrosion electrochemically. At termination, each steel bar was removed and examined visually. The total weight loss was assessed gravimetrically. The final chloride concentration profile of each prism was also determined.
Results suggested that corrosion was reduced significantly following chloride extraction but that the primary long-term controlling factor, both for the desalinated and control specimens, appeared to be the level of chloride present at the depth of the steel reinforcement. As, under normal procedures, a proportion of chloride remains after chloride extraction, a significant level of corrosion of the reinforcement, although greatly reduced, is still likely.
Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering
SERGI, G., GOODIER, C.I. and SENEVIRATNE, A.M.G., 2003. An assessment of electrochemical chloride extraction as a remediation technique for steel reinforced concrete. IN: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference and Exhibition - Structural Faults and Repair (CD-Rom), Commonwealth Institute, London, UK, 1-3 July.
Engineering Technics Press
AM (Accepted Manuscript)
Publication date
This conference paper was presented at the 10th International Conference and Exhibition - Structural Faults and Repair, London, UK, 1-3 July 2003.