The travel plan can be defined as being “a long-term management strategy for an
organisation and its various sites or business park that seeks to deliver transport
objectives through positive action and is articulated by a document that is regularly
reviewed”. Importantly, unlike more ‘traditional’ measures they can be effective at
reducing car use while being politically acceptable and relatively cheap and quick to
introduce. Given that transport problems are often seen as being extremely difficult to
solve by politicians and their officials, it is therefore strange that they have seemingly
ignored the apparent significant potential of the travel plan. This paper reports the
interview findings from ten travel plan experts in the UK who were asked for their
views on the state of play of travel plans in the UK currently and their predictions for
the future. From these a series of recommendations are presented as to how travel plan
policy may be conducted in the future.
Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering
ENOCH, M.P. and ISON, S., 2010. An expert perspective on the future of travel plans: lessons from the UK. IN: TRB 89th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers DVD, paper no.10-0127.