Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) has huge potential for influencing the use of geographic
information systems. However, there is a wide range of individuals involved in this process, each with
their own motivations for contributing and using volunteered data. This paper investigates the range
of stakeholders involved with VGI, their relationships and the main tensions and issues involved. The
research was based on a series of detailed interviews and theory-driven coding of data. From this, a
Rich Picture (Monk, Howard 1998) was developed to graphically present and relate stakeholder
relationship information. The findings have implications for how stakeholder groups may be
described, and how VGI can lead to enhanced products and services.
PARKER, C.J., MAY, A. and MITCHELL, V., 2010. An exploration of Volunteered Geographic Information stakeholders. IN: Haklay, M., Morley, J. and Rahemtulla, H. (eds.). Proceedings of the GIS Research UK 18th Annual Conference, GISRUK 2010, University College London, 14th–16th April 2010. London : University College London, pp.137-142.