posted on 2018-02-12, 15:11authored byBraimah Apambire, V.M. Cuellar, Susan Davis
Small water supply systems are often unable to provide a reliable, safe, and sustainable service over time, and this has direct impacts on overall wellbeing of people. Circuit Rider post-construction support addresses this through the provision of technical, financial, and operational assistance to these systems. The Circuit Rider methodology has been proven over time to help sustain services from small water systems in countries in North America and Canada, Central America, and the Caribbean. To date, the Circuit Rider program has not been adapted at scale in the African context. This paper aims to describe best practices learned from existing programs and discuss how the Circuit Rider methodology is being adapted to the Ghanaian context, and to encourage further research into the benefits and costs of post-construction support in Africa.
Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering
Research Unit
Water, Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC)
Published in
WEDC Conference
APAMBIRE, B. ... et al, 2016. Application of the Circuit Rider methodology in Latin America and Africa. IN: Shaw, R.J. (ed). Ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all: Proceedings of the 39th WEDC International Conference, Kumasi, Ghana, 11-15 July 2016, Briefing paper 2518, 4pp.
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