Autonomous cooperative visual navigation for planetary exploration robots
Planetary robotics navigation has attracted the great attention of many researchers in recent years. Localization is one of the most important problems for robots on another planet in the lack of GPS. The robots need to be able to know their location and the surrounding map in the environment concurrently, to work and communicate together on another planet. In the current work, a novel algorithm is designed to cooperatively localize a team of robots on another planet. Consequently, a robust algorithm is developed for cooperative Visual Odometry (VO) to localize each robot in a planetary environment while detecting both intra-loop closure and inter-loop closures using previously observed area by the robot and shared area from other robots, respectively. To validate the proposed algorithm, a comparison is provided between the proposed cooperative VO and the single version of VO. Accordingly, a planetary analogue real dataset is employed to investigate the accuracy of the proposed algorithm. The results promise the concept of cooperative VO to significantly increase the accuracy of localization.
- Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
Published in
2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)Source
2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)Publisher
- AM (Accepted Manuscript)
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2021-10-18Copyright date
9781728190778; 9781728190785ISSN
2577-087XPublisher version
- en