Recent calls of constructivist pedagogy emphasize the role of delivering
education in more authentic and real contexts. It urges the change of the classical
classroom lecture model towards more active participation of the students. Engineering
is to large extent an applied science, it is very important to be taught in its genuine
context rather than the current more theory oriented model. One important issue is to
support the classroom theoretical lectures with real applications. Laboratories are
provided essentially as core part of engineering education as a platform of showing the
applicability of theory into practice, however, most labs are not portable and can not be
moved into the classroom to show the links between theory and practice in real time. One
solution is close the distance through remote operation of the lab rig during the lecture.
This approach is also useful in enriching the number of utilized rigs through sharing
among institutes. This paper reports on the approach of utilizing and sharing remote
experimentation for classroom theoretical lectures. It also reports the students opinion towards the novel approach.
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
ABDULWAHED, M., NAGY, Z.K. and BLANCHARD, R.E., 2008. Beyond the classroom walls: remote labs, authentic experimentation with theory lectures. IN: Proceedings of The Nineteenth Annual Conference of The Australian Association For Engineering Education (AaeE 2008), to Industry and Beyond. Yeppoon, Australia, 7-10 December 2008, pp. W1A2