This paper summarises the main results of a European Enhanced Vehicle-Safety Committee
(EEVC) analysis of accident data from the UK and Germany conducted by EEVC WG 21 'Accident
Studies' for EEVC WG13 'Side Impact' to inf01m the fmther development of side impact test
procedures for cars. An overview showing the relative frequency of car to car side impacts within the
accident population is presented. The distribution of variables within real world accident data relating
to the dummy, the mass of the test banier and the test configuration (impact angle, impact location and
speed) are compared to the specification within the European Side Impact Directive (96/27 /EC).
WELSH, R. ... et al., 2009. Car to car struck side impacts - a comparison between European accident data and directive 96/27/EC. IN: Proceedings of the 2009 IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Injury, 9-11 September 2009, York, UK, pp. 115-128.