Thin-film polycrystalline CdTe photovoltaic devices were studied using electrical and material characterization methods to understand the effects of hydrogen plasma passivation treatment. Devices were fabricated using sublimation and were exposed to hydrogen plasma for 10, 20 and 30 minutes. Current density vs voltage measurements were performed to measure the performance of the devices. Capacitance vs voltage graphs showed that dopants are active and the device behaved like a CdCl2 passivated device. Microscopic characterization was performed using SEM and (S)TEM that showed larger grains and more homogenous film coverage as compared to films without passivation suggesting grain growth during H2 passivation.
The CSU authors thank support from NSF’s Accelerating Innovation Research, DOE’s SunShot and NSF’s Industry/University Cooperative Research Center programs. The Loughborough authors are grateful to EPSRC
for funding through the Supergen SuperSolar Hub.
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
MUNSHI, A. ... et al, 2017. Characterization of CdTe photovoltaic devices passivated using hydrogen plasma. Presented at the 2017 44th IEEE Photovoltaics Specialist Conference (PVSC), Washington, DC, USA, 25th-30th June 2017, pp. 1674 - 1678.
AM (Accepted Manuscript)
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