As the business arena becomes more dynamic and global, organizations need to think in terms of breaking boundaries to be noticed and enhance performance. Chutzpah, defined as ‘laudable audacity or apparent effrontery that actually conceals a brave and often new approach to subject or endeavor’ (Schultz, 2007, p. 209) typifies an increasingly common way in which organizations break boundaries. While observed in a large variety of sectors (e.g., hospitality, law, sport, medicine, entertainment, biotechnology, politics, finance, public policy), Chutzpah remains under-studied. This paper examines the role of Chutzpah in driving responsiveness to export market and export performance. Based on theory development, in-depth interviews, and survey data from 149 Israeli exporters we find that Chutzpah has two facets, namely audacity and norm violation. Structural model results reveal that the former is positively related to responsiveness, while the latter is negatively related. Both affect export performance via responsiveness.
Business and Economics
Published in
American Marketing Academy (AMA) Global SIG
SOUCHON, A.L., EFRAT, K. and ASSERAF, Y., 2018. Chutzpah-driven export marketing: effects on export responsiveness and performance. Presented at the (AMA) Global Marketing SIG, Santorini, Greece, May 21-23rd.
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