Loughborough University

Closed-loop extended orthogonal space time block coding for four relay nodes under imperfect synchronization

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conference contribution
posted on 2009-12-01, 15:30 authored by A.M. Elazreg, Jonathon Chambers
In future collaborative wireless communication systems with high data rate, interference cancellation is likely to be required in cooperative networks at the symbol level to mitigate synchronization errors. In this paper, we therefore examine closed-loop extended orthogonal space time block coding (CL EO-STBC) for four relay nodes and apply parallel interference cancellation (PIC) detection scheme to mitigate the impact of imperfect synchronization. Simulation results illustrate that the closed-loop EO-STBC scheme under imperfect synchronization can achieve good performance with simple linear processing and outperform previous methods. Moreover, a PIC scheme is shown to be very effective in mitigating impact of imperfect synchronization with low structural and computational complexity.



  • Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering


ELAZREG, A,M. and CHAMBERS, J.A., 2009. Closed-loop extended orthogonal space time block coding for four relay nodes under imperfect synchronization. IN: IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WIMOB 2009), Marrakech, Morocco, 12-14 October, pp. 545-548.




  • VoR (Version of Record)

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