Through co-design of Augmented Reality (AR) based teaching material, this research aims to enhance collaborative learning experience in primary school education. It will introduce an interactive AR Book based on primary school textbook using tablets as the real time interface. The development of this AR Book employs co-design methods to involve children, teachers, educators and HCI experts from the early stages of the design process. Research insights from the co-design phase will be implemented in the AR Book design. The final outcome of the AR Book will be evaluated in the classroom to explore its effect on the collaborative experience of primary school students. The research aims to answer the question - Can Augmented Books be designed for primary school students in order to support collaboration? This main research question is divided into two sub-questions as follows - How can co-design methods be applied in designing Augmented Book with and for primary school children? And what is the effect of the proposed Augmented Book on primary school students' collaboration? This research will not only present a practical application of co-designing AR Book for and with primary school children, it will also clarify the benefit of AR for education in terms of collaborative experience.
The funding source of this research study is Saudi Arabian
Cultural Bureau.
The Arts, English and Drama
Published in
SAI Intelligent Systems International Conference
Proceedings of SAI Intelligent Systems International Conference 2015
ALHUMAIDAN, H., LO, K.P.Y. and SELBY, A., 2015. Co-design of augmented reality book for collaborative learning experience in primary education. Presented at: SAI Intelligent Systems International Conference (IntelliSys 2015), 10th-11th November 2015, London, pp.427-430.
AM (Accepted Manuscript)
Publication date
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