posted on 2009-08-05, 10:43authored byGisli Thorsteinsson
A pilot study was undertaken in an Icelandic elementary
school, using a Virtual Reality Environment (VRE) to facilitate
co-operative idea generation within the context of the
classroom; this technology supports online communications
and enables students to develop drawings and descriptions of
their solutions. The VRE was connected to the Internet, and
students worked both online and face-to-face during the
lesson. The aim was to explore the ways in which idea
generation was developed in students during their work; the
produced data was qualitative and analysis based on grounded
theory principles and an interpretive paradigm. Three data
instruments were used to enable triangulation: observation,
screen captured videos and the teacher’s logbook. Also, using
remote observation software allowed the collation of a rich
record of actual computer work activity in its natural work
setting. A qualitative and inductive methodology, developed by
Glaser and Strauss (1967), was used to analyze the data.
The researcher based his research around the following
1. How could collaborative idea generation be incorporated
within the VRE?
2. How does this relate to teaching and learning within the
3. How do communications during the lesson support
students’ work?
Research Unit
D&T Association Conference Series
THORSTEINSSON, G., 2009. Co-operative learning in a Virtual Reality Environment (VRE) through idea generation: a pilot study from Iceland. IN: Norman, E. and Spendlove, D. (eds). The Design and Technology Association International Research Conference 2009. [Loughborough University, 30 June - 2nd July]. Wellesbourne : The Design and Technology Association, pp. 93-102