In an infinitely repeated game where market demand is uncertain and where firms with
(possibly asymmetric) capacity constraints must monitor the agreement through their pri-
vately observed sales and prices, we analyse the firms’ incentives to form a cartel when
they could alternatively collude tacitly. In this private monitoring setting, tacit collusion
involves price wars on the equilibrium path if a firm cannot infer from its low sales whether
the realisation of market demand was unluckily low or whether at least one rival has undercut the collusive price. In contrast, explicit collusion involves firms secretly forming an illegal cartel to share their private information to avoid such price wars, but this runs the risk of sanctions. We show, in contrast to the conventional wisdom and consistent with the
empirical evidence, that the incentives to form an illegal cartel can be smallest in markets with a few symmetric firms, because tacit collusion is most successful in such markets
Business and Economics
Published in
Competition and Regulation European Summer School
GARROD, L. and OLCZAK, M., 2016. Collusion, Firm Numbers and Asymmetries Revisited. IN: 11th Annual Competition and Regulation European Summer School and Conference (CRESSE), Rhodes, Greece, 25th June- 7th July.
AM (Accepted Manuscript)
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