Monitoring and measuring various metrics of high data
rate and high capacity networks produces a vast amount of
information over a long period of time. Characteristics such
as throughput and delay are derived from packet level information
and can be represented as time series signals. This
paper looks at the Embedded Zero Tree algorithm, proposed
by Shapiro, in order to compress computer network delay
and throughput measurements while preserving the quality
of interesting features and controlling the level of quality
of the compressed signal. The quality characteristics that
are examined are the preservation of the mean square error
(MSE), the standard deviation, the general visual quality
(the PSNR) and the scaling behavior. Experimental results
are obtained to evaluate the behaviour of the algorithm on
delay and data rate signals. Finally, a comparison of compression
performance is presented against the lossless tool
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
KYRIAKOPOULOS, K.G. and PARISH, D.J., 2009. Compressing computer network measurements using embedded zerotree wavelets. IN: Proceedings in The Fifth Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications (AICT 2009) part of WebTel 2009, IEEE, Venice, Italy, 24-28 May, pp. 188-193