posted on 2009-05-15, 12:29authored byGraham Farrell, Ying Leung
This research examines the use in IT education of an innovative online
assessment tool that incorporates confidence measurement. The tool is based
on the traditional Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) format with an additional
component that permits the user to register their confidence for each answer.
The tool is referred to as the Multiple Choice Question with Confidence
Measurement (MCQCM). A cohort of 52 Data Communication students utilized
the MCQCM as their primary revision tool throughout a semester and then for a
test in class. As part of the review they were then asked to give feedback on
using the MCQCM as a formal summative assessment tool. The test was graded
using the traditional method as well as by calculating a further grade from the
student’s registered confidence. The results demonstrated a good correlation and
convergence of validity between the dual marks supporting the use of the system
as a summative assessment option. It was also observed that the majority of high
achievers scored less for the MCQCM grade than for the traditional MCQ. In
addition, the students’ perception of the MCQCM as a graded assessment task
was quite positive. These results are very encouraging and will be further
investigated as part of this ongoing research.
University Academic and Administrative Support
Professional Development
Research Unit
CAA Conference
FARRELL, G. and LEUNG, Y., 2008. Convergence of validity for the results of a summative assessment with confidence measurement and traditional assessment. IN: Khandia, F. (ed.). 12th CAA International Computer Assisted Assessment Conference : Proceedings of the Conference on 8th and 9th July 2008 at Loughborough University. Loughborough : Lougborough University, pp. 123-136