posted on 2019-06-18, 08:42authored byLuke Bellamy, Alok Choudhary, Grammatoula Papaioannou, Araz Zirar
Drawing upon paradox theory, this paper conceptually proposes a dualism paradox
framework for exploring the relationship between supply chain sustainability and
resilience. Building basis from the literature which have collectively explored
sustainability and resilience, we use and repurpose a dualism approach to paradox theory as a research lens for the SC context. We demonstrate the applicability of the framework to exploring the SC sustainability and resilience relationship. Our future research will test the proposed framework empirically.
Business and Economics
Published in
26th EurOMA Conference: Operations Adding Value to Society
BELLAMY, L. ... et al, 2019. Dangling between sustainability and resilience supply chain practices: employing paradox theory to explore tensions. Presented at the 26th EurOMA Conference (EurOMA 2019): Operations Adding Value to Society, Helsinki, Finland, 17-19 June 2019.
European Operations Managment Association (EurOMA)
AM (Accepted Manuscript)
Publisher statement
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