posted on 2022-08-03, 14:02authored byZuogang Shang, Zhibin Zhao, Hui FangHui Fang, Samuel Relton, Darcy Murphy, Zoe Hancox, Ruqiang Yan, David Wong
Introduction: The goal of the 2021 PhysioNet/CinC
challenge is diagnosing cardiac abnormalities from electrocardiograms (ECGs) and evaluating the diagnostic potential of reduced-lead ECGs. We describe the whole
model created by the team “AI Healthcare” for this goal.
Methods: ECGs were downsampled to 300 Hz and filtered by wavelet. Then ECGs we randomly clipped or zeropadded to 4,096 samples. To have a better representative
learning ability, a modified ResNet with larger kernel sizes
was used. Multi-source adversarial feature learning was
used to learn domain-invariant and discriminative representations with a special gradient reversal layer (GRL).
The performance with and without the domain generation
methods was compared.
Results: We achieved a challenge score of 0.66, 0.64,
0.65, 0.65, 0.62 on the validation data. We ranked 8th, 7th,
6th, 6th, and 12th for 12-lead, 6-lead, 4-lead, 3-lead, and
2-lead ECGs, respectively. Testing showed that domain
generation improved metric scores on the unseen domain.
Conclusion: Generalized representations perform well
for “unseen” data. It is a general method for other models to improve generalization performance by learning a
domain-invariant feature representation.
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