The purpose of this paper is to build on work presented at the
last year’s D&T Association conference, subsequently published
in the Association’s Journal, and to further explore the
implications of human uniqueness for children’s education in
design and technology.
The research that underpins this paper and the proposed
model of human cognitive processes (Figure.2) is founded on:
• Classroom-based research into children’s design drawings
(1998-2003). Examples within the paper are taken from
this work.
• Theoretical investigation into the nature of design and
creativity, which has led to conference papers and journal
articles (2001-2008).
• Interest in insights from cognitive archaeology and the
centrality of design capability in human evolution (2007-
Combining insights from cognitive archaeology, design theory
and classroom observations, this paper explains the
implications of the three core capabilities identified in Figure.2
for the purpose and content of design and technology
education. The difference between humans and other species
has enabled the purposeful design and construction of a
complex physical, social and cultural environment through
which we mediate our relationships between each other and
the found and made world. This difference impacts directly on
the education of the young: not only must they be taught to
do what others can already do, but they need to be equipped
to be creative designers of their own lives, spaces and
relationships both with and within the physical and social
Research Unit
D&T Association Conference Series
HOPE, G., 2009. Designer species: human uniqueness and its educational implications. IN: Norman, E. and Spendlove, D. (eds). The Design and Technology Association International Research Conference 2009. [Loughborough University, 30 June - 2nd July]. Wellesbourne : The Design and Technology Association, pp. 53-58