posted on 2015-07-23, 10:46authored byMichael Butler, Jennifer Norris, Paul LepperPaul Lepper
Although acoustic systems are increasingly being used for environmental and
noise surveys of marine energy devices, there are currently no standard protocols for the
on-site full bandwidth calibration of these systems. Reports often include little or no
information on the methods of calibration used before, during or after surveys. Without
proper calibration, the sound levels may be far from accurate, leading to skewed
reporting and inaccurate conclusions.
Hydrophone calibrations from internationally recognised standardisation centres, such as
NPL, allow providers to reference their systems to international standards. Marine
renewable energy devices, however, are often deployed in remote areas and it is not
always practical or cost-effective to send every acoustic system to be independently tested
before every deployment. On-site referencing of multiple units to a single standardised
system can help improve calibration traceability. Although this may at first appear
relatively simple, the production of an accurate, full-spectrum calibration, particularly in
real-world test sites, is surprisingly difficult.
Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP)
scheme, organised and funded by the Technology Strategy Board (TSB), UK.
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
Published in
Underwater Acoustics UA2014
BUTLER, M., NORRIS, J. and LEPPER, P., 2014. Designing practical on-site calibration protocols for acoustic systems: key elements and pitfalls. IN: UA2014 - 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Underwater Acoustics, Rhodes, Greece, 22 - 27 June 2014, pp.223-230.
SMUR (Submitted Manuscript Under Review)
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