Resistance bands are often used in resistance training programs for older adults. Despite their widespread use, there is a lack of objective assessment of the actual strength, speed and precision of the movements during these exercises. Therefore, this paper presents the development of a sensorised resistance-band and a preliminary trial of activities classification by using artificial intelligence. The results show that in the preliminary trial, the classification accuracy of 4 different activities reached over 96% using accelerometer data only. A future study will be based on the sensorised resistance band to quantify resistance band exercises objectively in elderly people.
Research partially supported by the HEFCE Catalyst grant and by the EESE startup grant.
Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences
Published in
International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference
MA, J. ... et al., 2018. Development of sensorised resistance band for objective exercise measurement: Activities classification trial. Presented at the 40th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'18), Honolulu, Hawaii, July 17-21st, pp. 3942 - 3945.
AM (Accepted Manuscript)
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