Loughborough University

Distributed synthetic inertia control in power systems

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conference contribution
posted on 2018-03-27, 10:33 authored by Harold R. Chamorro, Andres C. Sanchez, Amund Overjordet, Fernando Jimenez, Francisco Gonzalez-LongattFrancisco Gonzalez-Longatt, Vijay K. Sood
© 2017 IEEE Due to the increasing use of renewables into the grid connected through power converters, the rotational inertia in power systems has been reducing. Consequently the frequency response requires the activation of the so-called synthetic inertia control. The synthetic inertia control aims to inject an extra power component when the system experiences a frequency disturbance event. In this paper, it is proposed that a distributed dynamic controllers for sharing the synthetic inertia control actions between the various active power converters in the grid for the improvement of the frequency response. It is assumed that a communication structure between the synthetic inertia controllers and the local power converters is involved in the system. The convergence of the control system is reached through a game population theory and the primary frequency control has been improved. The results are validated based on simulation of a two-area test system.



  • Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering

Published in

2017 International Conference on ENERGY and ENVIRONMENT (CIEM) Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Energy and Environment: Energy Saved Today is Asset for Future, CIEM 2017


74 - 78


CHAMORRO, H.R. ...et al., 2018. Distributed synthetic inertia control in power systems. Presented at the 2017 International Conference on Energy and Environment: Energy Saved Today is Asset for Future, (CIEM 2017), Bucharest, Romania, 19-20 Oct., pp. 74-78.


© Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)


  • AM (Accepted Manuscript)

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Bucharest, Romania