Loughborough University

Distribution network reconfiguration in smart grid system using modified particle swarm optimization

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conference contribution
posted on 2017-05-31, 09:09 authored by I.I. Atteya, H.A. Ashour, N. Fahmi, Dani StricklandDani Strickland
One of the major characteristic of a smart protection system in Smart grid is to automatically reconfigure the network for operational conditions improvement or during emergency situations avoiding outage on one hand and ensuring power system reliability the other hand. This paper proposes a modified form of particle swarm optimization to identify the optimal configuration of distribution network effectively. The difference between the Modified Particle Swarm Optimization algorithms (MPSO) and the typical one is the filtered random selective search space for initial position, which is proposed to accelerate the algorithm for reaching the optimum solution. The main objective function is to minimize the power losses as it represents high waste of operational cost. The suggested method is tested on a 33 IEEE network using IPSA software. Results are compared to studies using other forms of swarm optimization algorithms such as the typical PSO and Binary PSO. 29% of losses reduction has been achieved during a less computational time.



  • Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering

Published in

International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications 2016 IEEE International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications, ICRERA 2016


305 - 313


ATTEYA, I.I. ... et al, 2017. Distribution network reconfiguration in smart grid system using modified particle swarm optimization. Presented at the IEEE 5th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications, (ICRERA) 2016, Birmingham, UK, 20th-23rd November 2016, pp. 305-313.




  • AM (Accepted Manuscript)

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