Decision making for lane change manoeuvre is of
practical importance to guarantee a smooth, efficient and safe
operation for autonomous driving. It is, however, challenging. On
one hand, the behaviours of ego vehicle and adjacent vehicles
are dependent and interactive. On the other hand, the decision
should strictly guarantee safety during the whole process of lane
change with uncertain and incomplete information in a dynamic
and cluttered environment. To this end, the concept of Receding
Horizon Control (RHC) is integrated into game theory in conjunction
with reachability analysis tool, resulting in RHC based
game theory. Specifically, the decision of each game relies on not
only uncertain information at current step but also the future
information calculated by reachability analysis. The decision is
repeatedly made with the advent of new information using the
concept of RHC. As a result, safety can be guaranteed during
the whole process of lane change in a dynamic environment.
Case study is conducted to demonstrate the advantages of the
proposed approach. It is shown that the proposed RHC based
game theory approach incorporating uncertain information can
provide a safer and real-time decision.
This work is jointly supported by the UK Engineering and
Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Autonomous
and Intelligent Systems programme under the grant number
EP/J011525/1 with BAE Systems as the leading industrial
Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering
Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering
Published in
11th UKACC International Conference on Control
MENG, F. ... et al, 2016. Dynamic decision making in lane change: game theory with receding horizon. IN: Proceedings of the 11th UKACC International Conference on Control, 31st August-2nd September 2016, Belfast.
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