A cost-benefit analysis of the use of internal email was carried out at the Danwood Group at
Lincoln in the UK. This was a pilot exercise forming part of a larger exercise to evaluate the costs
and benefits of using computers to help further communications throughout the company.
The times taken to read, write and carry out other functions with email were measured for a sample
of employees. The email content was also monitored to determine which emails were business
related. It was found that nearly two thirds of all emails dealt with were non-business related at the
start of the research, but this figure decreased exponentially to a consistent 43% towards the end of
Overall the findings indicate that despite the fact that only one third of email use was business
orientated, the time taken is still worthwhile compared with other traditional communication
methods. However, it was not possible to fully quantify the benefits of email over these other
methods, as the data for the alternatives has not yet been collected. The study showed that further
research is necessary in this respect.
The paper concludes that the analysis has been a useful learning experience for the company
showing the value of cost-benefit research and highlighting the difficulties involved. It has also
identified the possible benefits that could be obtained by monitoring the email system.
Information Science
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Jackson, T., Dawson, R. and Wilson, D., 2000. E-communication analysis: the cost of an internal email messaging system within organisations. In: Thoma, H., Mayr, H.C. and Erkollar, A. (eds), Preparing to E-Business. Osterreichische Computer Gesellschaft 2000, 6th International Conference on Re-Technologies for Information Systems , Zurich, Switzerland, February 2000, pp. 129-140.