posted on 2006-05-18, 17:09authored byM.J. Pollock, C.D. Whittington, G.F. Doughty
This paper investigates the introduction of Computer Assisted Assessment
(CAA) into a Mathematics course that was already being delivered using
Computer Aided Learning (CAL). It shows that this method of assessment
can reduce, quite dramatically, the hours spent by staff on setting and
marking examination papers. It can also provide cost gains to the institution
by improving retention rate and allowing students to join a course without
having gained the usual prerequisite qualifications. It allows students from
diverse backgrounds to complete a course at their own pace. By setting
more short assessments that are topic related, the students cannot miss out
difficult topics and have to gain a pass in them all. A survey of the students
found that the majority of them preferred this method of assessment to
traditional exams.
University Academic and Administrative Support
Professional Development
Research Unit
CAA Conference
40820 bytes
POLLOCK, WHITTINGTON and DOUGHTY, 2000. Evaluating the Costs and Benefits of changing to CAA. Proceedings of the 4th CAA Conference, Loughborough: Loughborough University