A real-time online structural health monitoring system for the Metsovo bridge, the
highest R/C bridge of the Egnatia Odos Motorway in Greece, is outlined and then
used to develop high fidelity dynamic finite element models for the bridgefoundation-
soil system. Operational modal analysis software is used to obtain the
modal characteristics of the bridge for the various sets of available vibration
measurements during different construction phases of both the left and right bridge
branches. These modal characteristics are then used to construct and calibrate
detailed finite element models of the bridge, consisting of solid elements. A multiobjective
structural identification method is used for estimating the parameters of
the finite element structural models based on minimising the modal residuals. The
method results in multiple Pareto optimal structural models with variability that
depends on the fidelity of the model class employed and the size of measurement
errors. The identified Pareto models are used for checking design assumptions, for
exploring the adequacy of the different classes of finite element models, for
identifying soil-structure interaction effects, and for estimating the response
prediction variability.
Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering
PANETSOS, P. ... et al, 2010. Health monitoring of Metsovo Bridge using ambient vibrations.. IN: Casciati, F. and Giordano, M. (eds). Structural Health Monitoring 2010: Proceedings of the 5th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, 28th June-4th July 2010, Sorrento, Italy, pp. 1081 - 1088