posted on 2018-06-26, 09:04authored byKeith Case, Matthew Freebody, Shahrol Mohammadan, Syed Tarmizi Syed Shazali
An important aspect of urban sustainability is concerned with the provision of urban transport systems that are ‘inclusive’ in that they allow full participation in society for older people and people with disa-bilities. Much can be achieved by improving the design of individual aspects of the transport system such as access into public service vehicles, but equally important is the appropriate design of transport inter-changes where crowded situations add an extra dimension to the problems experienced by older and disa-bled people. Simulation of passenger flows is clearly a benefit in this respect but there is a need to under-stand and represent individual human behaviours that together form a dynamic interaction between individuals in crowded spaces. Behaviours have been studied and used in the generation of behavioural rules that have been incorporated in a simulation system based on software originally intended for creat-ing computer games. The simulation has been used to study passenger flows at a major railway station and interchange.
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
Published in
Ninth International Conference on Manufacturing Research, ICMR 2011
'Advances in Manufacturing Technology XXV', the Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Manufacturing Research, ICMR 2011
31 - 36
CASE, K. ... et al, 2011. Human behaviour modelling using gaming software. IN: Harrison, D.K., Wood, B.M. and Evans, D. (eds). Advances in Manufacturing Technology XXV: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Manufacturing Research (ICMR2011): 6th-8th September 2011. Glasgow: Glasgow Caledonian University, pp.31-36
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Publication date
This paper was presented at the 9th International Conference on Manufacturing Research (ICMR 2011). Glasgow, 6th -8th September 2011.