posted on 2015-03-27, 10:22authored byAngel Sanchez-Salas, Shafizal Mat, Yee GohYee Goh, Keith Case
This paper is a preliminary study of the human contribution to variability in manufacturing industry and how motivation and learning play a key role in this contribution. The longer term aim is to incorporate this understanding in a methodology, using principles and guidelines, that aims to help in the design of intelligent automation that reduces product variability. This paper reports on the early stages that are concerned with understanding relationships between human-induced product variability, task complexity and human characteristics and capabilities. Two areas have been selected for initial study in manufacturing industry: (a) the relationship between manual task complexity and product variability and (b) the relationship between employee motivational factors and learning behaviours. The paper discusses the progress to date in conducting initial empirical studies and surveys in industry and draws tentative conclusions of the value of this knowledge to the overall objective of intelligent automation.
EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Intelligent Automation (Grant No. EP/I033467/1) and the Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
Published in
International Conference on Manufacturing Rersearch
SANCHEZ, A. ... et al., 2013. Human variability, task complexity and motivation contribution in manufacturing. IN: Shehab, E., Ball, P. and Tjahjono, B. (eds.) Advances in Manufacturing
Technology XXVII
Proceedings of the
11th International Conference
on Manufacturing Research, 19-20 September 2013. Cranfield: Cranfield University Press, pp. 325-330.
Cranfield University Press
AM (Accepted Manuscript)
Publisher statement
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