This paper presents experimentally measured data showing the impact of variable demand on a modern 800 MW CCGT plant. The results of contrasting the performance of the plant when operating under optimum conditions with those measured when modulating the output to match dispatch instructions is presented and compared. These contrasts include the impact of step changes, continual modulation and both hot and cold starts of the plant. The results indicate the changes in fuel used per MWh, CO2 emitted per MWh and the NOx emissions under different operating modes. From the subsequent analysis significant increases were recorded in both fuel used and CO2 emitted when the plant departs from optimum operating conditions. When the plant is requested to cease generating due to over capacity of the system, major increases in the emissions of NOx, when required to restart generation together with large increases in the fuel used and CO2 emitted per MWh, can be observed.
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
BASS, R.J., MALALASEKERA, W. and WILLMOT, P., 2009. Impact of variable demand upon the performance of a CCGT power plant. IN: Guzovic, Z., Duic, N. and Ban, M. (eds.). Proceedings of the 5th Dubrovnik Conference of Sustainable Development of Energy Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 29th-October 3rd 2009.
NA (Not Applicable or Unknown)
Publication date
This conference paper was presented at the 5th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems: