Energy rating input data acquired indoors is
currently based on IV curves measured in a
matrix of irradiances (G) and temperatures (T).
This can lead to uncertainties in the energy
prediction as one needs to make additional
corrections for the effects of spectrum (E) and
angle of incidence. Energy rating measurements
derived outdoors inherently take those
variations into account and are more accurate
for that reason, but take a long time to acquire
and site to site differences might show up
more strongly.
This paper demonstrates the first indoor
GTE matrix measurements made with an LEDbased
solar simulator prototype, opening the
possibilities of much faster and more accurate
energy rating of PV devices. The experimental
set-up and measurement method used is explained
in detail. Analysis shows a respectable
uncertainty of 3.2% (k=2) in maximum power
measurements with scope for further improvement.
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
Research Unit
Centre for Renewable Energy Systems Technology (CREST)
BLISS, al., 2010. Indoor measurement of GTE-matrix for energy rating. IN: Sixth Photovoltaic Science Application and Technology Conference (PVSAT-6), 24-26th Mar, Southampton, 5pp