The introduction of the National Curriculum has called for more collaborative group work within
education, for example the Design and Technology report of June 1989 (1) makes several mentions of
group work.
This article intends to contrast the developments in group work in education with the development of
group work in industry. The terminology of this area is confusing, for example it is difficult to distinguish
between terms such as collaborative group work, cooperative team work and self directed group work.
Hence for the purpose of consistency and clarity within this article, group work and teamwork will be
used synonymously, and will be defined according to the definition of teamwork provided by Douglas
(2), as 'a number of individuals, held in dynamic and functional relationships over short periods of time
by agreement to their mutual and combined benefit'.
Research Unit
IDATER Archive
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TAYLOR, A., 1990. Industrial models of teamwork: lessons for education. DATER Conference 1990, Loughborough: Loughborough University