posted on 2020-08-17, 14:34authored bySue HignettSue Hignett, Elaine Goodwin, Laurie Wolf
This paper reports the development stages of an integrated adult inpatient risk assessment summary. The aim was to
simplify the recording of assessment data and support communication of bedside information within the multidisciplinary team. It is part of a larger study using human factors/ergonomics (HFE) to manage the risk and
associated injuries of in-patient falls. The previous documentation required staff to complete the appropriate sections
of a 20 page adult admission risk assessment which was both complex and repetitious; thematic analysis identified
that mobility and range of movement were recorded 17 times. Two workshops were held with subject matter experts
(mobility, tissue viability, medication, falls) and medical ward staff. An iterative review process was used to
identify, augment, reject and categorize themes and finally prioritize 7 topics for medical condition, confusion,
mobility, fall history, skin condition, assistance needed to swallow/eat/drink and continence. There was also an alert
box with information on allergies, infection control and communication (hearing and vision). The form was
redesigned using HFE principles to support effective recording and transfer of information.
Design and Creative Arts
Published in
Advances in Human Aspects of Healthcare
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare / 5th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics. .