This article uses a literature review to develop a configurational analysis of interpersonal
relationships in transnational teams (TNTs). The configurational approach posits that
organisational reality cannot be explained by uni-directional, causal relationships between
isolated variables, but only in terms of variable configurations, i.e. „multidimensional
constellations of conceptually distinct characteristics that commonly occur together‟ (Meyer et al.
1993, p. 1175). The effect of single variables is seen to depend on their interaction with the
multitude of other variables in a configuration.
TNTs are defined as groups composed of members of different nationalities, who work on
a common task. Previous research on TNTs has observed that strong interpersonal relationships
are especially important for the functioning of these teams, but are at the same time particularly
hard to achieve. Moreover, many studies have singled out particular processes that will here be
termed „aspects‟ of relationships. This article firstly integrates the transnational and virtual team
literature to provide an overview of examined relationship aspects. The article identifies cognitive
relationship aspects, which encompass team identity, subgroup formation, shared understanding,
and trust. Communication, knowledge creation, and conflicts are described as behavioural
aspects, and interpersonal affect is identified as an affective relationship aspect.
These relationship aspects are regarded as elements of complex relationship
configurations. The paper therefore describes the influence of each of these aspects on other
relationship aspects, thereby demonstrating complex interconnections between relationship
aspects. This provides a first step towards a configurational analysis. The paper further reviews
how several characteristics of the team structure, organisational context, and socio-political
environment may facilitate or inhibit several relationship aspects. Special emphasis is placed on
the influence of cultural diversity and virtuality as the two factors that are characteristic of TNTs,
and which have also been discussed most frequently in the literature.
Through a synthesis of previous research, the article then provides an overview of
suggested mutual influences between relationship aspects. This leads to a suggestion of two
examples of relationship configurations and their driving factors. These configurations are
characterised by the orchestrating themes of „commitment and tight coupling‟ and „commitment
and loose coupling‟, respectively. The paper concludes by recommending methods for future
empirical research on relationship configurations in TNTs. It argues that a broad range of
relationship aspects needs to be included in such research, to examine relationships across a
number of different team structures and organisational contexts, and in different socio-political
environments. In-depth, qualitative case research is the most suitable for exploring this complex
social phenomenon.
Business and Economics
ZIMMERMANN, A., 2010. Interpersonal relationships in transnational, virtual teams - towards a configurational perspective. IN: Regionalism & Globalisation, Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business AIB-UKI (UK & Ireland Chapter), 8th-10th April 2010, Trinity College, Dublin