Previous theoretical and experimental work on material loaded antennas illustrated that choosing a material mix containing equal permittivity and permeability in combination with specific positioning of the antenna in relation to the head can produce the definitive small size, high efficiency, low specific absorption rate (SAR) antenna. Further results obtained from a TLM simulator indicate the antenna's ability to operate in wideband dual mode and provide design guidelines for its realisation. New materials are tested and design-engineering techniques are explored, towards the ultimate aim of realising and integrating the antenna into the handset.
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
KITRA, M.I. ... et al, 2005. Investigation into the realisation of a low-SAR, dual mode material coated antenna for mobile handsets. IN: IEEE International Workshop on Antenna Technology: Small Antennas and Novel Metamaterials, 7-9 March, pp. 250 - 253